What does the guys do ?! This is what a lot of guys are going to do,  or had leg stuff in graphic design. S o here is the right way to go and if you've just started and  the confused just looking at the interface. D o not be I go to understand it May be the first time you open Photoshop with all thesis options in fact  but it can be intimidating at first starting with any new program but my goal here  to show you how simple yet powerful Photoshop really is the skies. In this website you will learn Photoshop editing and tools.


You can not really know what to do with it. I n development you can track that on the channel. G uys my tips and tricks and passing on my knowledge. G et started on the series later on we're going to be doing some really exciting stuff complex graphic art and much more. I n this person we're just going to focus on it very basic Photoshop online this is the perfect.

So  that's what we do, so we've got a deeper into this talk. F or real i going to show you guys a collection of simple at the essential features That you must start  and get started. We have mentioned the fire text design below as Free Photoshop is capable of doing these types of photo editing tasks.

Let's get started who with learning the interface. N ow to make sure that we're all. This page would be self-contained with all its features.

Only windows you have all the same  features and everything also know what's our first project,   even coal. it's  basically that we know where we're going in the future.

You can do whatever you want. O verhead or something them they're certain like. You are going to do it then you choose that but now we are going one thousand nine by ted.

How to make Fire Text Desing using Online photoshop?

1. We start with a new image of approximately 300x150 pixels in size. White background color and gray scale mode. In the photo below is taught how you should wear. Warning : It is Important to set the Grayscale Grayscale mode or the tutorial will not work.          


2 . Fill the black image and then with the text tool we write our text using white color and a large font size (it is an effect that works best in wide text). Then go to Layer> Rasterize> Layer Text > Rasterize> Text and Layer> Attach Layer Image > Flatten image            


3 . Next we go to Image> Rotate canvas> 90 ° ACD Image> Rotate canvas> 90 ° ACD , after which we go to Image> Adjustments> Invert Image> Adjust> Invert. We now apply the wind filter: Filter> Stylize> Wind Filter> Stylize> Wind and choose from the right . Again go to Image> Adjustments> Reverse Image> Adjust> Invert                


4 . We apply 2 times the wind effect Filter> Stylize> Wind Filter> Stylize> Wind . And rotate the image to its original position Image> Rotate Canvas> 90 ° AC Image> Rotate Canvas> 90 ° AC          


5 . Next we go to Filter> Distort > Rizo Filter> Distort> Ripple and we assign a value of 100 (this value is optional)       


6 . Finally we are going to > Fashion> Indexed Color > Fashion> Indexed Color and then Image> Fashion> Color > Fashion> Black Table and body black body .           



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